Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Crimson Rosella, Australia

Set against a dusky backdrop, it's difficult to ignore this brilliant bird with its royal blue throat. A Crimson Rosella begs your attention. 

Common as they are to the average Australian, they should still garner a glance from you as you pass.

 Males and females look alike, although juveniles sport varying shades of green until about 16 months of age when they, too, turn red.

The female chooses the nest site which is typically a dead tree. Decaying wood yields to the gnawing required to make a chip-lined cavity.

She will lay 3-8 eggs as the pair defend their tree from all other Crimson Rosellas.

The male brings food to the nest, but the female alone feeds the nestlings for the first six days.

Afterwards, both adults contribute to raising the young.

Feeding wild animals is a questionable practice, yet millions of people do it daily. Dirty feeding stations and practices can spread diseases...ultimately harming the animal. We all love to see and feed the birds, but may I suggest that the food be appropriate to the animal being served.

No one likes to be ignored and the Crimson Rosella seems to fall into that category, too.

Vocal and flamboyant by nature they invite you to be charmed.

It takes no real time and only minimal effort to appreciate them, so why not take notice and enjoy the many species of birds in the world.


Credits: Wikipedia,
Australian Wildlife, Kavanagh/Leung

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am a watercolour painter and paint Australian birds. Do you have an arrangement to allow people to paint from your photos?

    Thank you
